Sunday, February 17, 2013

Keep Going...

We all go through alot of situations in life. That is why we have to lift each other up, because while we down...and push others down. Then that makes two of us. Now imagine everyone doing that, the world would not be a great place to live, right? Well some of us already think that. That's because we are pushing others down. If you know how that feels why would we want that emotional state to someone else?

I know it hurts, in what ever your going through but life does have its ups & downs. It does have greatness in it. We have to choose to see it. Even during the storms, you have to close your eyes, listen to your heart and go beyond the negative part. Listen to why your there, understand to the lesson its trying to teach you and somehow in your heart, keep going. It might seem to dark but you have to keep going. Don't be scared of that darkness. It has nothing to do with you, all your doing is walking by. Heading towards where you need to be. We don't know where but somewhere its were your happiness lays at. Of course, when you reach a great destination, it doesn't mean its over. It means you traveled through the hard part. You still have to keep going.

It makes it hard to understand that to keep going is not just a phrase but something that you have to repeat in your mind. A sentence that has a deep meaning because it does end. To keep going on repeat means a simple thing : To Keep Going.

Yes, its hard to do. But lets get one thing straight. Your probably reading this because somewhere in your mind your stuck. Stuck in a thought of what could have been, or what's next or something else. So while your here why not be happy about that YOU already know that you HAVE to keep going. The world may have its moments when its gives you drama but your a strong person to get up, look away and do what needs to be done. No one in this world has control of your happiness. Your the only body that has control of you. If you love yourself enough then you know whats your next step. The next step to help yourself.

Just remember that, when your going...walking through may relapse. That's ok. Because we all get those extra 2nd chances. Every minute and every tomorrow.


Thanks for reading,